Tagged: core upfront

ONE-YEAR AT GOIZUETA: AMANDA LINTELMAN – A comparison: First Block and Second Block of Summer Semester

During the summer session, you will complete all required coursework for your MBA. The summer session at Goizueta is split into two blocks. The first block lasts about six and a half weeks, whereas the second block is just over four weeks. Block 1 Classes: Economics, Data & Decision Analysis...

One-Year at Goizueta: Alanna Holman – There’s No Reason to Stop

So, Alanna, you agreed to a one-year accelerated MBA? Yes, I did! And you are completing an entire year of core classes into one summer semester? Yes, I’ll get through it! Then my mind wandered…Wait, am I sure about this? The word “accelerated” is not taken lightly here at Goizueta....