Tagged: WEMBA

Improving leadership in the boardroom, on the battlefield

The U.S. Army invests thousands of dollars each year into education and growth of soldiers. With a keen eye on talent management and leader development, the U.S. Army created “broadening assignments” to expose leaders to various job opportunities and civilian education programs.

4 tips on networking while getting an EMBA

When I first wanted to write a blog about networking, I asked myself if I was actually qualified to do this. Then I looked back at the last five-plus years of my life: founding a successful networking association from scratch, building work and social relationships in a new country, and starting my Executive MBA. I began to think that maybe I could share with others what I have learned.

5 tips for work-life balance in business school

In order to get the most out of your time in business school, you’ll need to make some changes to your regular schedule. I often tell prospective students that starting school while maintaining a career and personal life is like jumping onto a moving treadmill.

Learn it on the weekend, apply it on Monday

If you’re considering business school with a minimum of seven to 10 years of work experience, you likely fit one of these three categories: looking to accelerate your career into a more senior role, aiming to shift your career in your current field or considering starting a new career or business.