Job Hunting

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In the United States, one of the main purposes of going to business school is to find a job or advance your career.

GBS is highly evaluated by corporate staff as a top school in the United States, and almost all graduates have achieved career advancement (promotion, salary increase, job change) after graduation.

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Here, I would like to introduce mainly various support systems related to recruiting activities at schools.

CMC (Career Management Center)

CMC is the most helpful to students engaged in job hunting. Those who are planning to enroll will be confirmed about their intention to find a job in advance, and for students who answer Yes, CMC will assign a specialized counselor according to the industry / occupation desired by the student. The counselors in charge are diverse, such as GBS graduates and personnel managers of former consulting companies, but they are very professional. Not only each part of job hunting such as resume / cover letter creation / interview measures / communication with companies, but also how to balance with academics etc. will be widely consulted.

In addition, Block 1 includes a course called Professional Development sponsored by CMC, which will teach you in detail the basics such as timeline and networking in job hunting. Participation of company-sponsored students is also Welcome !, and there are various learnings.

Club activities

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GBS has a variety of clubs, large and small, but the most common are professional club activities aimed at job hunting. Many clubs such as consulting / finance / marketing / general management / healthcare hold many events such as interview practice, networking events with Aramnai, and panel discussions, making them a strong ally for re-learning activities.

Career Week

The week following the end of Block 2 of the first year is set for Career Week, and many recruiting-related events and social gatherings will be held (classes are closed). In addition, CMC-sponsored courses (cover letters, interview preparation, company survey seminars, etc.) are also held, and students engaged in job hunting are required to participate in at least two classes.


Since the MBA (second grade) summer vacation is nearly four months, many current students have internships at home and abroad during this period and have won full-time offers after graduation. Japanese students also enjoy their summer vacation, and during this period they also do internships in the United States / Japan to train them to put their MBA learning into practice.

Network with alumni

I think networking with graduates is one of the greatest assets that can be gained by studying abroad at an MBA. In GBS, more than 200 Japanese have obtained an MBA (since 1980) and are active in various fields, making them a strong ally for job hunting.


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I’m sure some of you who are taking the MBA are thinking of finding a job in the United States after graduation.
When you get a job in the United States, it is common to start working after graduation using OPT (Optional Practical Training).

This OPT is usually set to a period of 12 months. In addition, students with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) related degrees will be granted an extension of the OPT period of 24 months (36 months in total) (STEM Extension).

GBS is also permitted to obtain a STEM degree by taking elective courses that meet STEM requirements.

Read in: 日本語 Español