Tagged: global perspective

Rensch: Two-week tour of Japan’s hidden treasures

When I signed up for the 2017 Japan mid-semester module, I thought I would look back on the trip most impressed by the modern cities, bullet trains and even the sushi. While all of these were impressive, and part of a memorable trip, I was most affected by something I...

Brown: Exploring entrepreneurship in India

Have you ever touched an elephant? The second you feel one, you realize that the plush toys have been lying to you all your life as thick, wiry hairs push into your palm. Until that moment when you see one up close, you have no idea how badass elephants really...

Global Learning: Health Innovation & Entrepreneurship in South Africa

I’m probably in over my head. This thought dominated my head space the morning of July 27th, as I made my way downstairs to join the other participants of the inaugural ANDI-EMORY Health Technology Innovation workshop. Myself and three other business students, four law students and four Phd students were...